Standards Resource Directory

Looking at areas of Program strength, as well as areas for further development, in order to guide continuous quality improvement and achieve positive results for families.
Free Resources
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) online learning course Developed by: FRIENDS. Availabile to CBCAP State Lead Agencies
Online Resources
Measuring the Performance of Local Early Childhood Systems toolkit includes 20 measures you can use to assess how well your local early childhood system is working to improve the reach of child and family services, coordination among those services, commitment of the community to early childhood issues, and equity and parent leadership. Developed by: Center for the Study of Social Policy.
Assessing Parent Leadership and Engagement is designed to help agencies, systems, and collaboratives working with young children and their families to chart a course toward an expanded approach to family engagement. Developed by: Center for the Study of Social Policy.
Data for Equity and Action project provides guidance for equitable data practice ranging from how caseworkers and service providers can ask families and young people about their racial and ethnic identities in more accurate, inclusive, and affirming ways, to how system leaders and data administrators can better report and incorporate that information to support them. Developed by: Center for the Study of Social Policy.
Logic Model information and resources for logic model development. Developed by: FRIENDS.
Evaluation Planning information and resources. Developed by: FRIENDS.
FRIENDS - Retrospective Protective Factor Survey Developed by: FRIENDS.