Family Resource Center Networks
Family Resource Center Networks have emerged organically across the country in cities, counties, and states. They connect, organize, and support programs working with families. These Networks consist of two or more Family Strengthening organizations, including Family Resource Centers, working together to ensure coordinated quality support for families.
The Networks serve as the backbone entity to leverage and coordinate the collective impact of their members. They create opportunities for service providers to meet formally and informally, exchange information, make connections, develop relationships, build capacity, and address challenges that no one organization could on its own.
Family Resource Center Network Overviews
What is a Family Resource Center Network?
This document developed by the NFSN summarizes the types, functions, developmental stages, and positive impacts of Family Resource Center Networks.
This document provides individual overviews and contact information for each of the NFSN Member Networks. You can also download individual state Network snapshots via the interactive map of NFSN Member Networks.
Family Resource Center Network Video
This brief video from the Family Resource Center Association in Colorado illustrates the work of a Family Resource Center Network.
Research on Family Resource Center Networks
Advancing the Family Support and Strengthening Field Project - Data Report Executive Summary
Advancing the Family Support and Strengthening Field Project - Full Data Report
This research on Family Resource Center Networks was conducted by the OMNI Institute as part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation- funded Advancing the Family Support and Strengthening Field Project.
Outcome and Cost-Savings Data for Selected Types of Family Support Services
This document developed by Casey Family Programs summarizes research on Family Resource Centers and Family Resource Center Networks in relation to other Family Support services.
The National Family Support Network has developed two tools to support Network development. Each of these continua highlights resources available through the NFSN, such as technical assistance and facilitation, to support movement along them.
The Family Resource Center Network Development Continuum is for use for Networks within the emerging phase of development (0-3 years).
The Investing in an FRC System of Support Funder Continuum to has been created for funders about how to set up and fund Family Resource Centers.
Contact the NFSN Associate Director to discuss specific technical assistance needs.
The NFSN Family Resource Center Network Hub is a compilation of both NFSN templates and documents from Member Networks that can be used as examples in developing and conducting the work of Family Resource Center Networks. The Hub is divided into two sections:
Network Tools for FRCs - samples of tools that Networks would use with FRCs, such as FRC budgets, FRC contracting documents, FRC identification surveys, FRC evaluation frameworks, FRC requests for proposals, and FRC proposal review tools.
Network Tools for Networks - samples of tools that Networks would use to run a Network, such as member agreements, Network development continua, Network job descriptions, Network operating guidelines, policy/advocacy documents, Network request for proposals, proposal, and budget, and Network training plans.
NFSN Members, click here to access the Network Hub using your regular NFSN Member login credentials.